About Us

SharePriceTargetz.com is a financial educational website that analyzes the latest share price target and publishes data on the Indian Stock Exchange, which helps our new young generation and new investors to know about the company.

Purpose of SharePriceTargetz.com

  • We just help people to learn something from our website and be inspired to invest in the future.
  • Our objective try to provide people with correct and good information about the company.
  • Our objective is to motivate people and help them for long-term investment.

What SharePriceTargetz.com is not.

  • We do not provide information about any kind of trading given here.
  • We do not provide any direct recommendations for investment.


The data displayed in SharePriceTargetz.com is not live and is updated weekly.

About the Author:- All posts on this website are written by Arabinda Sarkar and by the Share Price Targetz Team before writte any article we analyst and works well with data.

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